Cy-Fair Iron Maidens REGISTRATION
- Please review the New Player Checklist before proceeding with registration: Checklist for 2021/2022 Season Registration (NOTE: All steps need to be completed in order to be in good standing)
- ONLINE Iron Maidens Registration: Player Registration Form
- SIGN and EMAIL signed "CODE OF CONDUCT" to [email protected]: 2017/2018 Code of Conduct Form
- Email a copy of medical insurance card to [email protected]
- Submit your PayPal payment for your specific team from the STORE page. Uniform details will be sent via e-mail depending on the player's age group.
- Once registration and payment is confirmed, you will be added to the Team Snap communications list.
NOTE UNIFORM INFORMATION: Players typically wear pinnies in the fall "tournament season". There will be an opportunity for players that need "regular season" (Feb-May) uniforms to try them prior to placing an order. Pay attention to future TeamSnap communications for uniform fitting days.